电 话:0591-28770598
传 真:0591-28773598
地 址:福建省长乐市感恩工业路155号
福建桂武砖机是从事墙体材料设备制造的专业单位,具有二十多年墙体材料设备制造历史,秉承“用户至上”的理念,形成 了由产品开发设计、销售和售后服务的质量管理体系,为客户提供快捷周到的服务,不仅产品质量上乘,且价格合理,深受广大客户信任。
为了更好的满足客户需求,我厂采用新技术、新工艺,优化产品结构,选取优质材料,经过各项处理,提高产品档次,从而 成功地解决了利用低塑性砂质土、粉煤灰、页岩、煤矸石等劣质原料和工业废渣生产承重和非承重空心砖的技术问题。
FUJIAN GUIWU BRICK MATERIAL is engaged in the manufacture of wall materials, equipment, professional unit, with twenty years of manufacturing history of the wallmaterials and equipment, adhering to the“customer first” philosophy, formed from the product development,sales and service quality management system, to provide fast good service, not only product quality, and the price is reasonable, the majority of customer trust.
In order to better meet customer demand, our factory adopt new technologies, new processes, optimizing product mix, select high一quality material, after the treatment, improve product quality, to successfully resolve the use of low plasticity sandy soil, fly ash, shale, coal gangue and other inferior materials and industrial waste residue bearing and non load—bearing hollow brick of technical problems.
I plant will continue its efforts and dedication to provide customers with quality products and attentive service, to promote our new wall materials, contribute to energy conservation.
welcome to the new and old customers!